Robust data capture and analysis
We provide solutions for examining sports performance — whether you are conducting a study on a football field, ski run, or a lab. Our solutions deliver robust data, enable freedom of movement, and are easy to use.
Knowing where and when to look is crucial for the execution of a skilled motor action. Our eye tracking solutions capture gaze behavior data that can be used for developing improved training programs, assessment methods, and injury prevention strategies.
When examining sports performance, there is a difference between looking and seeing. Training athletes to see the most relevant aspects of the target can enhance their trajectory estimation, visual search, and decision-making skills. These perceptual-cognitive processes are now accessible for objective evaluation with eye tracking technology.
Tobii Pro Glasses 3 combined with our analysis software Tobii Pro Lab are all you need to run sports performance studies and acquire quantitative data underlying perceptual-cognitive skills, including:
Sports analytics
Coaching and training
Sports psychology
Motor control
Sports medicine
We provide solutions for examining sports performance — whether you are conducting a study on a football field, ski run, or a lab. Our solutions deliver robust data, enable freedom of movement, and are easy to use.
Elite athletes, judges, and coaches demonstrate superior visual search strategies compared to novices in many sports and disciplines, including ice hockey, football, and karate. Use eye tracking to study how life-long training influences one’s ability to read the game and use this knowledge to shortcut the learning curve from novice to expert.
Efficient visual-motor coordination is crucial for high athletic performance in sports like rock climbing, tennis, and darts. Tobii eye trackers are compatible with many motion capture solutions, for example, Qualisys. The combination of eye tracking and motion capture will help you gather insights about athletes’ hand-eye coordination into improved training strategies.
Tobii Pro Glasses 3 wearable eye tracker allows complete freedom of movement, which is crucial when studying athletic performance. The lightweight design of the glasses, coupled with a wireless connection, allows participants to perform their sport as usual.
For lab environments, our screen-based eye trackers, Tobii Pro Fusion and Tobii Pro Spark, can be combined with Tobii Pro Lab to study athletes’ perceptual-cognitive processes.
In the field, you can connect the plug-and-play
Tobii Pro Spark eye tracker to a screen in, say football Video Operation Rooms (VOR), or any other location where study participants are readily available. Works together with Tobii Pro Lab to gather insights on gaze behavior.
We offer tailored support to address research needs throughout your journey with our eye tracking solutions.
Help you improve your grant proposals for research that includes eye tracking in its methodology
Product documentation, how-to guides, FAQs, and access to software updates. Our customer care services help with any technical issues with our products.
Our online learning platform helping you ensure study success at every step of the way, from study design to interpreting your eye tracking data.