Construction site in a large city
Construction and engineering research

Understanding how people engage with systems

Eye tracking provides information about human cognitive abilities such as paying attention, problem-solving, or learning, that are crucial for designing systems, tools, and environments that align with human cognitive strengths and compensate for weaknesses.

Why use eye tracking?

Eye tracking is a scientific research methodology used to understand human cognitive abilities and behavior as humans are interacting with systems, devices, vehicles, and objects or events in the surrounding environment. Eye tracking methodology is also used for research purposes to understand, for example, the behavior of engineers, programmers, or physicians while analyzing technical systems and during problem solving.

Tobii Pro Glasses 3

Eye tracking in construction

Human factors research evaluates how workers interact with tools, equipment, and environments to optimize safety, efficiency, and productivity.

Man working on a construction site

What you can measure with eye tracking

Our solutions capture and analyze human-system interactions to deliver objective measurements and behavioral insights for design and ergonomics, as well as developing usability, efficiency, and safety features.
Eye tracking data can be extrapolated into:

Person looking at a part with gaze dots

Visual-spatial attention

Track visual attention to learn about subjects’ perceptions, goals, and expectations.

Computer engineering

Cognitive load

Measure cognitive underload and overload by measuring eye movements, eye openness, and changes in pupil size.

Workers at a construction site using eye tracking glasses

Situational awareness

Examine a person’s awareness of their surroundings and ability to respond to potential hazards effectively.

Training and skills assessment

Learning and skill acquisition

Study how individuals progress from novices to experts by tracking eye movements during a task performance.

2 pilots in a cockpit

Decision making

Capture when and how different decision-making stages unfold and how they contribute to human performance and errors.

Visual inspection training

Team cognition

Measure gaze dynamics in a group setting and learn about effective collaboration and leadership dynamics.

Fields of research

  • Human-machine interaction

  • Aviation and space

  • Construction

  • Computer science

Research setups for engineering research

Tobii Pro Glasses 3 - Engineering

Wearable for the real world

Tobii Pro Glasses 3 wearable eye tracker allows complete freedom of movement, crucial in human-system interactions in the real world. The lightweight design of the glasses, coupled with a wireless connection, allows participants to perform their tasks as usual.

Tobii Pro Fusion

Screen-based for the lab

For lab environments, our screen-based eye trackers, Tobii Pro Fusion and Tobii Pro Spark, can be combined with Tobii Pro Lab to study perceptual-cognitive processes.

Aircraft simulator

Screen-based for the field

In the field, you can connect the plug-and-play Tobii Pro Spark eye tracker to a screen in, say, a driving or cockpit simulator or any other location where study participants are readily available. Works together with Tobii Pro Lab to gather insights on gaze behavior.

Dive deeper into construction and engineering



Tobii about us

Scientific publications

Did you know that over 12,000 scientific
publications feature Tobii eye tracking technology?

Discover the latest trends in eye tracking
for construction and engineering research
by exploring our scientific publication library.

Our products used for construction and engineering research



Enabling success

Tobii offers tailored support to address research needs throughout your journey with Tobii’s eye tracking.

Person in front of the computer with academic icons visible

Tobii Funding support services

Tobii Funding support services help you improve your grant proposals for research that includes eye tracking in its methodology

Tobii Connect

Tobii Connect

Tobii Connect delivers product documentation, how-to guides, and answers to FAQs as well as access to software updates. Our customer care services help with any technical issues concerning Tobii products.

Tobii Academy

Tobii Academy

Tobii Academy our online learning platform, helping you ensure study success at every step of the way from study design to interpreting your eye tracking data.