Experience Tobii in your headset
Eye tracking is a catalyst technology for XR and XR headsets — delivering value to the broad set of stakeholders within the ecosystem.
Enhanced devices
Unleash full computing power with gaze-based dynamic foveation and optimize performance with dynamic distortion compensation technology. Gain realism with consistent graphical clarity and fidelity across the entire field of view — performance and comfort for extended use.
Sense of realism.
Graphical clarity.
Fidelity across FoV.
High and stable frame-rate.
Comfort for extended use.
Smooth rendering.
Immersive experiences
Deepen immersion, with real-time non-verbal communication like emotional expressions and eye contact. Help reduce strain and improve comfort. Combine intuitive interaction and attentive UI, to deliver unparalleled object control and visual feedback — superpowered users.
Real-time life-like emotions.
Sense of presence and togetherness.
Social awareness.
Intuitive interaction.
Attentive UI.
Enable superpowers.
Actionable insights
Ideal for understanding behavior, delivering accurate insights about a person's attention, intent, and how they react to events. Limitless applications to enable discovery and solution development in domains such as healthcare, training, simulation, MedTech, EdTech, and scientific research.
Deep understanding of user behavior.
Adaptive training and simulation.
Window to cognitive processes.
Biometric-enabled applications.
Health assessment.
How it works
How eye tracking works in XR
In an XR headset, eye tracking components typically include cameras and light sources placed in a ring-like structure between the user and the display. The core machine-learning algorithms interpret the camera feed to generate a real-time stream of data points such as pupil size, gaze vector, and eye openness. This information can be used, for example, to determine how well a person can follow a stimulus, how they react to a scene, and their intent.
The latest headsets that include Tobii technology
Play for Dream MR
Pimax Crystal
HTC Vive Pro Eye
Tech and media reviews
"Tobii showed us eye tracking inside a VR HMD that was as perfect an implementation as we’ve seen. That, coupled with the company’s unique position in the current market, places Tobii in a prime position for the market’s future."
"Trying Tobii’s technology for just 30 minutes has already ruined me for every VR headset without it. I’d call that a success."
"I left the [Tobii] demo convinced that once you’ve tried a VR headset with eye-tracking included you’ll never want to wear one without it again."
"You can select dialog choices with characters by simply looking at an option and hitting a face button instead of swiping around with an analog wheel. It’s so seamless that I almost forgot I was doing it sometimes — and I never want to go back."
"... the fleeting glance was so crucial to making me feel like I was really there, really being given the stink eye by a character, that I couldn't help but lose myself in the moment.... It's the kind of immersion I haven't gotten from VR in a while."
"Foveated rendering on PS VR2 can bring a massive reduction in GPU usage while producing the same perceptual quality – and, combined with eye tracking technology, the performance gains are even better...We’ve also seen gains up to 3.6x faster when foveated rendering is combined with eye tracking."
News and articles
Tobii secures design win for Play For Dream’s new mixed reality headset
Tobii has been selected as the exclusive eye tracking provider for Play For Dream’s mixed reality (MR) headset, promoted as the world’s first Android-based spatial computer
Tobii drives enhanced gaming performance in Pimax’s latest VR headset
Users can now update the software within the Pimax Crystal headset to enable Tobii’s leading eye tracking technology.
Tobii selected by Sony Interactive Entertainment to be the eye tracking technology provider for PlayStation VR2
Tobii is pleased to announce its innovative eye tracking technology will be featured in the upcoming PlayStation VR2 headset.
Our innovative XR solutions
Contact us
Want to find out more? Talk to one of our eye tracking specialists today.