Closing the literacy gap with AI and eye tracking
In this success story, we cover how Lexplore have leveraged years of scientific research about reading to create a PC-based AI solution that will help to close the literacy gap.
From improving the learning of children in the classroom to analyzing reading ability with unprecedented accuracy, eye tracking allows tech companies to create devices and software that understand students in a deeper way.
Eye tracking is a technology with almost endless applications within education. That’s why we support researchers in adopting eye tracking as a methodology to find nuances in how human beings learn, with a view to developing technology that improves education across the board.
Education technology has the power to radically alter the learning outcomes of young people across the world. Attention computing provides unique insights into learning behavior and inspires new ways of teaching that are efficient and effective to all children.
Closing the gap in education between students of different backgrounds, nationalities, races, and disability levels is a social priority. With AI and eye tracking technology, digital wellbeing features and advanced learning technologies help make a great education attainable to more people, whoever they are.
In this success story, we cover how Lexplore have leveraged years of scientific research about reading to create a PC-based AI solution that will help to close the literacy gap.
In this success story, we cover the journey from research and innovation to commercialization of EdTech startup BrainLeap Technologies, and how they have leveraged scientific findings in their game-based attention training solution.
Eye tracking is helping researchers make strides in the field of education research. Learn more about some of the most innovative and exciting ways.
A high-end 120Hz eye tracker designed for easy commercial integration.
Integrate Tobii’s software, IP, or hardware components into any screen-based device.
Tobii Nexus software adds intelligent interactivity to your application, working for any user on any device.