Woman driving a car with Tobii Pro Glasses 3


Using eye movements to understand driving behavior and user experience

Webinar information

Distracted driving and its effects on driving performance have been well-documented but insight into what the driver specifically looks at, while distracted, is not as well understood.

Dr. Alex Chaparro discusses how eye tracking data was used to investigate what people view in driving scenes.

Dr. Barbara Chaparro discusses how eye tracking data is used to better understand the user experience of a variety of products ranging from websites to mobile apps to consumer products.

Woman driving wearing G3
  • November 5, 2020

  • 60 min

  • English

  • Free


  • Tobii Pro employee Erica Wayne

    Erica Wayne

    Event host

    Account Manager at Tobii

  • Alex Chaparro

    Dr. Alex Chaparro

    Director of the Aging, Perception & Performance Lab (APPL) at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

    Dr. Alex Chaparro directs the Aging, Perception & Performance Lab (APPL) at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University which investigates aging, perception, and performance of complex everyday tasks like driving. Currently, he is investigating how age-related changes in vision affect both driving performance and driver detection of pedestrians. His team also investigates how driver distraction caused by talking or texting on a cellular phone affects vehicle control and driver ability to detect hazards.

  • Dr. Barbara Chaparro - Event speaker Tobii Pro

    Dr. Barbara Chaparro

    Professor at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

    Dr. Barbara Chaparro has over 30 years of experience in applied Human-Computer Interaction in both industry and academia. Currently, she leads the research in User Experience (RUX) Lab at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, an academic research & consulting lab. Her research interests include the study of user experience (UX) of a variety of products and systems, usability assessment methods, mobile computing, and the UX of mixed reality systems.

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