A person driving a car using Tobii Pro Glasses 3


Driving research to new heights

Wearable eye tracking and automotive simulators

Webinar information

Driving simulators provide a reproducible and low risk environment ideal for testing automotive technologies.

The focus of fka SV is to help their clients make technology safer through rigorous testing and validation. In his presentation, Christian Roth will speak specifically about the advantages and challenges of using eye tracking devices in driving simulator studies and his experiences with the renowned Tobii Pro Glasses 3. He will show examples of relevant tasks used in combination with eye tracking and highlight how fka SV uses specific features of the Tobii Glasses to record highly accurate data in the complex technical setup that a simulator offers.

Person using Tobii Pro Glasses 3 in a driving simulator
  • March 16, 2021

  • 71 min

  • English

  • Free


  • Keith Headshot

    Keith Bartels

    Account Manager, Tobii North America

    Event host

  • Christian Roth - Tobii Pro event speaker

    Christian Roth

    CEO at fka SV

    Christian Roth is CEO at fka SV, an automotive engineering and research firm in San Jose, California. He holds a master’s degree in mechanical engineering and business administration at RWTH Aachen in Germany, focusing on driver assistants systems, user studies and innovation management.

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