Doctor assessing the brain
Assessment and treatment

Revolutionize disease screening and treatment with eye tracking

Eye tracking offers a window into disease development by capturing subtle changes in eye movements that are associated with various brain and eye disorders. This non-invasive technique opens new avenues for early detection, tailored interventions, and personalized treatment, marking a significant leap in healthcare practices.

Timely and unbiased assessment

Neurological, psychiatric, and eye disorders can manifest in cognitive and oculomotor function impairments in viewing behavior. Eye tracking can detect these issues early on, enabling further exploration and timely intervention.

Eye exam

Eye tracking in clinical research studies

Clinical research studies reveal eye movement biomarkers in various clinical conditions.

Eye tracking is used in the assessment and screening in these fields:

  • Neurodegenerative disorders: Mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s

  • Neurodevelopmental disorders: Autism spectrum disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

  • Language disabilities: Dyslexia

  • Neuropsychiatric disorders: Anxiety, major depressive disorder, schizophrenia

  • Neurological conditions: Concussion, traumatic brain injury

  • Ophthalmology: Visual field assessment, glaucoma, strabismus

Effective and personalized treatment

Eye tracking solutions allow efficient and easy monitoring of the treatment and immediate feedback on intervention success. Incorporating eye tracking into treatment and rehabilitation programs allows for personalized, data-driven methods that cater to individual needs and progress.

Doctor with a young patient

Eye tracking in treatment and rehabilitation

Various clinical conditions can benefit from eye tracking-based treatments.

Eye tracking is used to aid treatment and rehabilitation in these fields:

  • Neurorehabilitation: Stroke, traumatic brain injury

  • Speech and Language Treatment

  • Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) interventions

  • Attention and concentration training: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

  • Physical rehabilitation: Motor coordination and movement control

  • Psychiatry: Major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder

  • Ophthalmology: Lazy eye, amblyopia

Benefits of eye tracking

The advantages of using eye tracking in disease assessment and treatment:

Medical exam

Early Detection

Eye tracking can detect subtle changes in eye movements that might indicate the presence of diseases at early stages. This enables timely intervention and treatment.

CT Scans

Objective Measurements

Eye tracking provides objective, quantifiable data, reducing reliance on subjective patient reports and improving the accuracy of the assessment.

Using VR for therapy

Personalized therapy

Analyzing each patient’s gaze patterns facilitates tailored treatment plans and monitoring the effectiveness of an intervention.

VR elderly assessment


Eye tracking is non-invasive and well-tolerated, minimizing patient discomfort, especially compared to more invasive diagnostic techniques. Suitable for small children or elderly populations.

Child playing with blocks

Flexibility in disease assessment

Specific tasks can pick up different areas of impairment, including thought process, cognition, executive control, and oculomotor control.

Customer testimonials

  • There's a lot of software out there that's called ‘eye tracking’ that is using things like AI and machine learning projecting where the child may be looking. We can't afford that in autism. We have to have actual measurements…And that is why Tobii's our partner. Because that device has the right parallax, the right amount of measurements, and the accuracy of those measurements.

    Harry Schiavi

    CEO, BioStream Technologies

    Biostream logo
  • Tobii's reliable eye tracking technology has allowed us to build our objective and precise medical device for visual exploration. We highly value the smooth collaboration relationship we have with them, and their constant effort they put into improving their products.

    Marta Ortin

    CTO and Cofounder, Dive Medical

    Dive Medical logo
  • This solution requires efficient and accurate eye tracking technology for which we found Tobii to be the natural partner as the global leader in eye tracking technology. The Tobii powerful eye tracking algorithms paved the way for the commercial success of our product.

    Ran Yam

    CEO, Novasight

    Novasight logo
  • The eyes as windows into your cognitive health: We use eye tracking from Tobii for objective and accurate detection of ADHD in children and adults. Braingaze uses a scientifically proven and clinically validated biomarker captured with the Tobii 5L eye tracker for optimal performance.

    Laszlo Bax

    Co-founder, BrainGaze

    Braingaze logo

Deep dive into assessment and treatment



Our products for assessment and therapy

Our support in your healthcare innovation journey

The journey from concept to realization in eye tracking for medical assessment and treatment involves transforming innovative ideas into tangible solutions and scalable businesses. Tobii is poised to facilitate this journey by leveraging our expertise in cutting-edge eye tracking technology, strategic business development approaches, and strong market presence.

Curious about using eye tracking in healthcare?

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