What can I learn?
- How shoppers navigate the store
- What attracts attention in-store
- When shoppers make decisions and why
- Which competitors a consumer considers
- Which visual elements are ignored
It can be difficult to understand why shoppers make certain decisions in-store, especially without understanding consumer attention. By exploring the attention patterns of your consumers while they shop, we empower you to make design decisions that enhance the customer journey and increase conversion.
Much of a consumer’s motivation while shopping is implicit and can’t be reliably tracked without attention data. While traditional research data exposes only the tip of the iceberg, attention data uncovers what lies below the surface.
Watch the video to learn more.
Eye tracking lets you see through your consumers’ eyes, offering a unique perspective into what encourages them to convert. Use these insights to optimize the path to purchase, and make sure the product they purchase is yours.
Optimize the shopping experience
Make important visual elements more attractive
Redesign distracting visual elements
Reimagine the shopping flow
Understand sales data on a deeper level
Increase conversion and basket size
By combining attention insights with other market research methodologies, you paint a holistic picture of your core consumer. Eye tracking supports and enhances other methods in your research toolbox such as focus groups, shop-along studies, and interviews. By combining attention data with other methods, your consumer insights can be placed into new and meaningful contexts.
Our research consultancy service has the tools and resources to help you conduct a shopper research study and capture authentic data on the behavior of your consumers in real life environments. We offer a swift turnaround from insights to impact, acting as an agile research partner for every phase of the process. This is an ideal option for those hoping to conduct in-store studies and assess the impact of their retail design. Our team of experts will help guide your study so you can focus on the insights.
Our team are experienced in applying technology and research expertise for effective shopper insight studies. Let’s talk about how your study might look.
Toyota created a showroom car-buying experience study. Conducting shopper research in a car showroom is essential to help sellers optimize the in-store experience.
Earth Corporation uses Tobii eye tracking to visualize the true intentions of consumers and deepen their consumer insights.
The Service Research Center (CTF) at Karlstad University used Tobii Pro wearable eye trackers in two different pilot studies regarding retail and consumer behavior.