Catch every blink: A new blink detection method with eye tracking
Estimating blinks from eyelid tracking vs data loss
Dr. Marisa Biondi
Senior Research Scientist and Funding and Support Manager, Tobii
Dr. Biondi has a Ph.D. in Psychological & Brain Sciences from Texas A&M University and used fNIRS and eye tracking to study the functional organization of the developing human brain.
Marcus Nyström
Research engineer, Lund University Humanities Lab
Marcus Nyström is a researcher and dedicated teacher who has been working with eye tracking and eye movement research since 2003. His research spans over several fields and is almost always highly interdisciplinary. Marcus has contributed heavily to advancements in eye tracking methodology and has co-authored the highly cited book “Eye tracking: A comprehensive guide to methods and measures”.
Keep learning about Tobii Pro Lab features
What’s new in Tobii Pro Lab? The next level of eye tracking study design
In this webinar we demonstrate the new possibilities the Advanced Screen Project brings to your research. You’ll discover the types of study designs where ASP excels and how it differs from existing solutions in Tobii Pro Lab.
What's new in Tobii Pro Lab?
Would you like to learn more about Tobii Pro Lab to kickstart your eye tracking study? Are you considering switching from Tobii Pro Studio to Tobii Pro Lab? Or, would you simply like to learn more about the latest features added to Tobii Pro Lab? Then this webinar is for you!
Conduct eye tracking studies more efficiently
Advanced Screen simplifies the design of screen-based eye tracking studies for behavioral research and allows researchers to easily create and control complex experiments.