Tobii Pro Spark and Tobii Pro Lab


Launching your eye tracking research journey

UX and consumer research

Resource Details

  • April 25, 2023

  • 45 min

  • English

  • Free

Webinar details

Keith Bartels, Director of Enterprise Research, shares hands-on tips about how to use the eye tracking research starter kit for consumer and UX research.

Watch the webinar to find out how:

  • To use Tobii Pro Spark and Tobii Pro Lab together in an easy and effective way
  • To design and conduct your own research study
  • To analyze the results using Tobii Pro Lab
  • Eye tracking answers fundamental questions about human behavior
  • The research starter kit can be best applied in various fields of research

The presentation ends with a Q&A session.

Resource Details

  • April 25, 2023

  • 45 min

  • English

  • Free

Part of event
Tobii Pro Spark use for Consumer research


Product demo: The eye tracking research starter kit
  • Online


  • Tobii Pro employee Dr. Marisa Bondi

    Dr. Marisa Biondi

    Senior Research Scientist and Funding and Support Manager, Tobii

    Dr. Biondi has a Ph.D. in Psychological & Brain Sciences from Texas A&M University and used fNIRS and eye tracking to study the functional organization of the developing human brain.

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