Laptop with Tobii Pro Lab software on the screen


Analyzing and understanding Tobii Pro Glasses 3 recordings

Tobii Pro Lab tutorial

Resource Details

  • June 15, 2022

  • 45 min

  • English

  • Free

Webinar information

In this part of the webinar series, we'll introduce a glasses project with recordings from our Tobii Pro Glasses 3. Tobii Pro Lab supports the entire research workflow, including:

  • Video import & replay
  • Assisted & manual gaze mapping
  • Drawing areas of interest (AOIs), coding events, and creating custom times of interest (cTOIs)
  • Qualitative and quantitative data analysis and export

The tutorial is approx. 30 mins long and followed by Q&A session where all participants got a chance to chat with the experts, starting 34 mins into the video.

Tobii Pro Glasses 3 with battery

Resource Details

  • June 15, 2022

  • 45 min

  • English

  • Free


  • Tobii Pro employee Dr. Marisa Bondi

    Dr. Marisa Biondi PhD.

    Senior Research Scientist, Tobii

  • Tobii employee

    Thomas Gaudy

    Product Owner, Tobii

  • Tobii Pro Employee - Carsten Gondorf

    Carsten Gondorf

    Global Product Manager, Tobii

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