Studying human performance and attention at NASA Langley Research Center
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Kellie D. Kennedy, PhD.
Aerospace Research Engineer with NASA Langley Research Center
Kellie D. Kennedy, PhD. is an aerospace research engineer with NASA Langley Research Center in the Crew Systems and Aviation Operations Branch since 2012. She earned her Ph.D. in Human Factors at Old Dominion University. Her line of research includes visual attention failures, hypoxia-induced impairment in high performance aircraft, and experimental design.
Chad L. Stephens
Aerospace Technology Researcher at NASA Langley Research Center
Chad L. Stephens is an aerospace technology researcher with NASA Langley Research Center in the Crew Systems and Aviation Operations Branch since 2009. Mr. Stephens earned a B.S. in Psychology and a M.S. in Psychophysiology. He has performed extensive research in the field of human factors, with over 10 years of experience in the conduct of human subject research, experiment design, and aeronautics.
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