Foveated Rendering - Tobii Tech - Left

Tech talk

Enabling device and content creators to get the most out of HMDs

Tobii Spotlight Technology™

Resource Details

  • June 17, 2020

  • 25 min

  • English

Video details

The uncertainties of 2020 led AWE to make the shift online. There is, however, one certainty in the AR/VR market. And that is a growing demand for wider fields of view, higher resolution displays, and immersive content and features for consumers and enterprise

Eye tracking — a prerequisite for dynamic foveated rendering — can help meet these demands.

In this AWE talk, Doug Eggert explains the value of Tobii Spotlight Technology and how this advanced eye tracking solution, specialized for foveation, can help AR/VR manufacturers, content creators, developers, and engine designers meet ever-rising demands.

Resource Details

  • June 17, 2020

  • 25 min

  • English


  • Tobii Doug Eggert

    Doug Eggert

    VP of XR, Tobii