Scientific publications
How does Parkinson’s disease alter visual search?
Ieva Miseviciute, Ph.D.
As a science writer, I get to read peer-reviewed publications and write about the use of eye tracking in scientific research. I love discovering the new ways in which eye tracking advances our understanding of human cognition.
Continue exploring how eye tracking is used to diagnose diseases
Customer stories
Tracking eye movements to diagnose Parkinson’s disease
Karolinska Institute explored the possibility of using eye tracking as a prospective diagnostic tool for Parkinson’s disease, and their quest yielded exciting results.
Customer stories
Accurate and early detection of Parkinson’s — RightEye and Tobii eye tracking
Learn how RightEye can help with accurate and early detection of Parkinson's using Tobii eye tracking.
Learn article
4 methods to assess Alzheimer’s with eye tracking
This learn article presents four ways eye tracking could aid early Alzheimer’s assessment.