Tobii - Training and assessment report

Research and reports

Unlocking the hidden skills of your employees through attention data 

A sample report of eye tracking insights in specialist workplaces

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  • Read time

    8 min

About the report

Want to see how eye tracking can provide insights to enhance your employee training and assessment?

One of the biggest challenges companies face when conducting training is the struggle to efficiently visualize and transfer embedded skills that employees build over time. At Tobii, we believe that the only way to really understand and articulate these hidden skills is by capturing and analyzing attention.

Read this report to discover:

  • How to efficiently visualize and transfer employee expertise
  • How a participant’s viewing behavior can help you identify hidden skills
  • How attention data serves as a powerful teaching resource for newer employees
  • Use cases and results of a typical eye tracking study for training and assessment
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Resource Details

  • Written by


  • Read time

    8 min

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