Tobii whitepaper

The importance of eye tracking in AR and VR

Evaluating the underlying benefits of eye tracking in AR and VR uses cases by Moor Insight & Strategy


This whitepaper from analysts Moor Insights & Strategy covers the importance of eye tracking and how it enhances the VR experiences and enriches AR and VR devices through three capabilities:

  • Foveated rendering

  • Interpupillary distance (IPD)

  • User identification.

We will also discuss how eye tracking has a profound impact on user experience and important metrics to consider when seeking an eye tracking solutions partner to develop a headset or an application for AR and VR.

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  • Written by

    Moor Insights & Strategy

  • Read time

    6 min

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Written by

  • Tobii Event no speaker image

    Patrick Moorhead

    Founder, President, & Principal Analyst, Moor Insights & Strategy

  • Tobii Event no speaker image

    Anshel Sag

    Associate Analyst, Moor Insights & Strategy