Annual report publications 2023

Research and reports

Annual Research Report 2023

What’s new in eye tracking research?

In this report, we look closer at the use of eye tracking in scientific research in 2023 and some of the key trends we noticed.  The aim of this report is to highlight how researchers used eye tracking to contribute to advances in science and to showcase the wide variety of setups, applications, and possibilities that eye tracking has within research today.

About the report

Introduction – What is this report for, and what will you learn?

2023 in numbers – A summary of how and where eye tracking equipment is used, as well as the method used to define each publication’s research field.

Trends in eye tracking research – 4 trends in eye tracking research that we saw take the stage in 2023.

Selected publications – A deeper dive into all fields of research that use Tobii eye tracking technology as a methodology, summarizing the main use cases and sharing our curated selection of impactful studies within each field.

Conclusion – A short wrap-up of Tobii’s contribution to scientific research in 2023.

CTA block image for the Annual report
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