illustration head with a question
Screen-based eye trackers

Frequently asked questions

We have provided answers to frequently asked questions about our screen-based products, including information about research set up, our software, purchasing, delivery times, warranty, data transparency and support.

Screen-based eye trackers

What eye tracker should I choose for my research?

Visit our Compare our eye trackers page or take our Product Quiz to find out.

Tobii Eye Tracker 5 and 4C are eye trackers for designed for gaming and are not compatible with the research analytics platform Tobii Pro Lab uses to analyze eye tracking data. If you need eye tracking to understand gaze data about human behavior (e.g., with access to eye tracking metrics and visualizations like heat maps) then you’ll need a research graded eye tracker like Tobii Pro Spark, Tobii Pro Fusion, or Tobii Pro Spectrum.

You can analyze data from our screen-based eye trackers with our software Tobii Pro Lab.  

Tobii Pro Lab is used to design experiments and collect eye tracking data. It offers visualizations of your eye tracking data in the form of heat maps and gaze plots. Tobii Pro Lab also allows you to specify which kind of data you would like to export for further quantitative or qualitative analysis. 

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the ideal sample size of an eye tracking study. It depends on your goals and the type of study you are running. We recommend a sample of 6-10 participants for a qualitative study and a sample of 20-30 participants for a quantitative study. If you plan to publish your results, a sample size calculation is required to make sure the design and sample size has a chance to provide significant results. 

In our training Tobii Getting Started Program you will get personal (online) training tailored for your specific use case, which will guide you to an efficient and cost-effective study set-up.

The sampling frequency required for your project depends on the type of eye tracking data you are looking to collect. If your experiment only considers fixations, then 60 Hz will be adequate. If you are looking to accurately capture saccades as well, a 120 Hz eye tracker is recommended at the lower range. If you are an academic customer who requires high specificity of your data, then you might want to consider at least a 600 Hz sampling rate. 

Our modern and high-end eye trackers can capture gaze data from participants regardless of their glasses. There are, however, some limitations to this. It is not recommended that participants wear glasses with more than one power, i.e., bifocals, trifocals, or any kind of progressive glasses. The design of the lenses in these glasses makes it hard for the infra-red light of the eye trackers to correctly hit the center of the pupil. 

It depends on the stimuli you use for your study. If you use the website feature, then all participants' recordings are being aggregated automatically, and hence you will have access to the heat map right after a participant finishes a study. If you are using a screen recording function, then the time to map the gaze data will depend on the length of the video to be mapped. If you use our supportive function "Assisted Mapping" then it usually takes one minute to map one minute of eye tracking recording. 

When purchasing our Tobii Getting Started Program you will get personal (online) training tailored for your specific use case, it will guide you to an efficient way of setting up your study to save time and cost.  

Please see our Tobii Pro Lab product page to find the system requirements.

Tobii Pro Lab is not compatible with Mac. 

Tobii offers additional services to help you become successful with our products. 


Tobii Academy (complimentary service): Our e-learning platform with a wide range of courses on eye tracking and related topics and is included with your purchase and accessible through our customer portal Tobii Connect

Tobii Getting Started Program (paid service): Personalized online training that introduces eye tracking technology and ensures your first study is optimized. 

Tobii Comprehensive Training (paid service): A one-day on-site program that covers all the essentials of eye tracking technology and best practices. This training includes a hands-on session to apply the knowledge gained. 

Tobii Access an Expert (paid service): A one-hour consultation with one of our experts tailored to your specific questions and needs. 

Learn more about all our courses and services.


The Tobii Customer Care service is included with your purchase and is available to all users of active Tobii assets. In addition, on Tobii Connect you will find helpful articles, e-learning, and support documents to further assist you.  

General / purchase

How can I find out the price of the eye tracker?

If you’d like to see the prices for any of our eye tracking systems, fill out the form at the bottom of the product page. One of our salespeople will be happy to contact you with a breakdown of our pricing structure. 

You can pay by bank transfer and 30 days payment terms from the reception of the invoice. 

A 12-month subscription includes software updates and must be reviewed every year to be ensure full software access. 


A perpetual license grants a lifetime access to Tobii Pro Lab, but software updates are included in the first year only. After that, an additional fee applies. 

Delivery within Europe is generally one week after shipment and two weeks for the rest of the world. 

Yes, you can check our GDPR compliance in our Data Transparency Policy. Your data from Tobii Pro Glasses 3 is stored locally on the SD card. This data and any participant data are neither uploaded to the cloud nor transferred to Tobii. 

Please, note that the only anonymous data that Tobii collects is on the use of our software platforms (e.g., information about crashes, use of certain features) so that we can continue improving them for you.

Yes, the standard warranty for every purchased hardware product is 24 months. The warranty can be extended for an additional fee if requested.  

Find out more about our warranty and service offering.

Need more information?

Reach out to our friendly experts, they are happy to help!