Tobii Pro Lab eye tracking software
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Tobii Pro Lab

Check out our latest product changes as we continue to improve Tobii Pro Lab to empower your team with more functionalities for your research work. Stay up-to-date and upgrade your Tobii Pro Lab if you have not already done so.

Improvements to Tobii Pro Lab

Since 2015, our scientific eye tracking software has been continuously improved, driven by both customer feedback and our engineers' innovative developments, to meet evolving needs and expectations.

Latest features

Latest features

October 30, 2024

Tobii Pro Lab version 24.21 introduces a new eye tracking concept – blinks, detected based on the eye openness signal. This new version of Pro Lab will also improve the efficiency and productivity of your research with new features for data visualization, replay module, filtering, and export capabilities.

New and improved visualization features:

Opacity map. Opacity maps allow for a simpler and cleaner way of showing where a participant was looking without colors that need interpreting.

Grouped data display. This new feature color-codes gaze visualizations based on participant variables, enabling quick comparisons between groups. It is ideal for visualizing group-level differences in gaze patterns.

Hover text. In scan path and bee swarm, hover over a fixation point with the mouse to get more information about it, for example, its duration and index.

AOI layer. Choose to visualize AOIs, their names, and tag information with the media and gaze.

Stacked interval mode. Combine multiple visits to the same media (e.g., a webpage section) into one continuous visual representation. Instead of showing each visit separately, the visits are “stacked,” making it appear as one long visit for more straightforward analysis.

Participant data selection. Recordings can now be quickly selected via the participant variables they are associated with.

Performance improvement. Visualizations have been further optimized to work better with larger projects. Support for TriggerBox Plus and TTL in Advanced Screen Project (ASP)

TTL in ASP. Stimulus onset markers (TTL) to combine eye tracking data with other biometrics data streams (e.g., EEG or GSR) can also be sent and exported in Advanced Screen Projects. TTL marker values can be static or dynamic by binding them to the design table.

Support for TriggerBox Plus. Connect to the new Brain Products TriggerBox Plus in your Tobii Pro Lab experiments.

Support for TriggerBox Plus and TTL in Advanced Screen Project (ASP)

TTL in ASP. Stimulus onset markers (TTL) to combine eye tracking data with other biometrics data streams (e.g., EEG or GSR) can also be sent and exported in Advanced Screen Projects. TTL marker values can be static or dynamic by binding them to the design table.

Support for TriggerBox Plus. Connect to the new Brain Products TriggerBox Plus in your Tobii Pro Lab experiments.

Other updates for enhanced productivity and efficiency

Global filters. Data filter settings (gaze, pupil diameter, eye openness, blinks) are retained across analysis tabs, for a more consistent workflow and minimizing errors.

Improved Real World Mapping (RWM). The assisted mapping algorithm, for Tobii Pro Glasses users, has been revised to be faster, more accurate, and less resource-heavy.

Batch start RWM. Assisted gaze mapping to a snapshot can now be applied to selected intervals for multiple recordings simultaneously, streamlining workflow and reducing manual steps.

Batch start video export. Export video clips with gaze overlay and participant audio/camera in batches. Select a Time of Interest and export clips for all intervals with one click.

Metrics Export/Visualization Improvements. A new interface for metrics export module enhances productivity with a search function, format navigation, and metric selection overview. Tooltips and a search box in metrics visualizations module simplify navigation.

Interval mode in Replay. Now available for all project types, this feature automatically zooms into each interval within a TOI, making it easy to navigate between intervals without manual zoom adjustments.

Important! This is the last Pro Lab version with official support for some discontinued eye trackers

This Tobii Pro Lab version 24.21 is the last one that will officially support and test against the following trackers: TX300, X2-30, X2-60, T60-XL, T60/T120, X60/X120, X3-120. We care about our long-term customers and would like to ask affected customers to contact us by using the form below.

Previous updates

Previous updates and improvements

Release versionRelease dateMajor updates/New features
1.241March 20, 2024Export media in original size, enhanced preview in static mode, heat map calculations, color-coded gaze plots.
1.232November 15, 2023Video containers to the ASP project type, improvements to the flexibility of ASP, replay shows tracks for the audio recordings.
1.217May 10, 2023Launched advance screen, dynamic visualizations, create project update, event search bar.
1.207November 23, 2022Metrics Visualizations Tab, Added filters, Better UX, Improved Media handling, Reference export help, Tobii Pro Glasses 3 events from the Controller, New feedback button.
1.194June 9, 2022Eye Openness, TTL, Replay, Metrics visualizations, Metrics export,
1.181November 24, 2021Text element, Infant calibration, Metrics visualizations, Metrics export
1.171July 7, 2021Infant calibration, Text stimulus, Custom Times of Interest, AOI Reading Metrics, Bin your data, Metrics and data export,
1.162March 3, 2021Project overview, calibration, Adjust the data loss reset, Design - Instruction element, Design - Text element, AOI tool, Metrics - Data selection, Metrics - Updated AOI click metrics, Custom TOI, Custom Web TOI,
1.152 October 15, 2020Glasses project, Design - Ability to adjust the data loss reset, Screen-based eye tracker calibration, Web stimulus, New event-based export, Select metadata in new general section.
1.145July 8, 2020Glasses project, Rename or remove projects, Design - Use the Advance on gaze option, Design - Set your desired presentation screen, Record, Replay, New AOI based export format, Screenshot capture
1.142May 27, 2020Faster metrics and data exports, Collapsible sections, Back up the project, Data export, Recorder, Web stimulus, Recording stimulus, Scene camera projects, External presenter projects,
1.138March 31, 2020Share coding data, Participant camera and microphone, Replay, Data mapping, Web stimulus, Fixation filter
Read the full release notes for older versions and more details

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