Why do we need a picture of you?
Our technology works for most people, but the edge cases — where it does not work — are interesting for us because the more of these cases we can solve, the more inclusive our technology becomes. However, to enable our technology to learn, it needs to know a lot more about the data. Aspects that affect how our technology work include the relative brightness of the color of your eyes in comparison to the color of your pupil, details about the kind of sight correction you may have, the shape of your eyelids, and whether you have heavy eyelashes. Skin tone can have an impact because eye tracking calculates metrics using reflected light, which varies depending on whether you are light, medium, or dark skinned.
I use a wheelchair/have limited mobility. Can I participate?
Absolutely! The test location and tests are open to everyone.
Can I participate more than once?
To ensure a representative statistical distribution, we take one set of measurements from each person in each collection. You can participate in different data collections, but only once per campaign. We check your ID to make sure that you do not participate in the same collection twice. We will contact you in the future when we need to collect data to test different technologies.
Is there an age limit?
We are currently looking for people between 18 and 80.
Is eye tracking safe?
Absolutely. The eye tracker uses cameras and near- infrared light (which is practically invisible to the human eye). Infrared light is present all around you, in sunlight as well as other sources of everyday illumination and it is harmless.
How will you use and store my data?
Tobii handles data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GPDR), which includes strict rules for how personal data is handled and stored, including your right to be forgotten. Tobii uses the data collection to train and develop our algorithms and technology, with the aim of improving our products and services. Personal data will not be processed for any other purpose. Personal data may be shared within Tobii AB and with other companies in the same corporate group as Tobii, but never to anyone else (we may instruct third parties to process the Personal Data on our behalf strictly in accordance with our instructions). We treat your Personal Data in accordance with applicable data protection laws, and fully respect your privacy. See our privacy policy here
How do you handle data privacy?
Tobii treats Personal Data in accordance with applicable data protection laws and fully respects the privacy of data subjects.
As part of Tobii’s work to enhance privacy protection, Personal Data will, to the extent practically possible, be stored in Tobii systems in a pseudonymized manner. This means that the data we collect is stored separately from your name and contact information.