I think that eye tracking adds that extra layer of understanding human performance in a way that we previously didn’t have and Tobii has helped tremendously with helping us to understand the data we are collecting.Dr Sherry Nakhaeizadeh – Research Fellow, Department of Security and Crime Science Center for the Forensic Sciences, UCL
Customer story
Standardizing visual inspection methods within forensic science
Department of Security and Crime Science Center for the Forensic Sciences, UCL
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Discover more about visual inspection training
Measuring visual performance in the foundry for H&H Castings
H&H Castings, a premier supplier of aluminum castings, partnered with Tobii Insight to conduct a qualitative eye tracking study in their foundry.
Denso halves training time thanks to eye tracking
With the goal to cut training time Denso's highly skilled inspectors wore eye tracking glasses while conducting an inspection. The eye tracking data revealed their visual patterns providing an explanation to what was behind their high quality and efficiency.
West Japan Railway improves conductor training and passenger safety
West Japan Railway used eye tracking technology with the aim of improving conductor training and increasing passenger safety. The insights it revealed were used to improve training methods for conductors.