A close-up image of an human eye.


A practical introduction to eye tracking

A 3-day course

  • November 27, 2024
  • Humanities Lab, Helgonabacken 12, Lund University, Sweden

Event details

  • November 27, 2024

  • Humanities Lab, Helgonabacken 12, Lund University, Sweden


  • English

  • November 27-29 , 2024

    Event period

  • Meet outside of the library at 09:00

Course details

Do you know what eye tracking is but think it sounds complicated? Welcome to this course where you can learn from experienced researchers and make mistakes in a safe environment, before you start your own eye tracking project.

  • Objective: Learn more about eye-tracking theory, methodology, and how to practically work with eye trackers.
  • Organizing institutions: Lund University Commissioned Education, Lund University Humanities Lab, Lund, Sweden.
  • Course fee: €900 excl. VAT (€1400 excl. VAT for industry representatives). Industry representatives from Sweden will be billed an additional 25% VAT. (includes lunches, one dinner, and coffee breaks)
  • Certification and credits: The content of this course is equivalent to 1.5 ECTS credit at an advanced level. A course certificate will be provided upon completion of the course.
  • Number of participants: There are 16 eye tracking stations for use during the course. If there are more than 16 participants, some will have to work in pairs.
  • Registration: Apply through this form. Your registration is not valid until payment has been received. Registering for the course is binding.
  • Cancellation: If participation is canceled more than 3 weeks before the course starts, the participant will be refunded 50% of the course fee. If cancelled less than 3 weeks before the course starts, the participant will be charged the full course fee and no refund will be made.

About this course

This course gives participants a practical introduction to eye tracking, with a focus on both theoretical grounding in using eye movements for research and hands-on exercises with state-of-the-art eye tracker hardware and software. An eye tracker is a tool that measures where someone looks and how the eye moves. The technology is heavily used in fields such as psychology, neurology and human-computer interaction, but is also commonly used in more applied areas such as human factors research and marketing. While being an extremely powerful tool to probe human visual behavior, there are many theoretical, practical and methodological skills one must acquire to use eye tracking effectively.

This course reoccurs every 6 months.

Course information

The course takes place at the Lund University Humanities Lab, which has long-standing expertise in eye tracking methodology and education. The main bulk of teaching will take place in the Digital Classroom, a unique facility equipped with 16 Tobii Pro Spectrum eye trackers, meaning that each participant can work alone or in pairs with a dedicated high-end system throughout the course. Other eye trackers that are available to try out are an EyeLink 1000 Plus, Pupil Invisible, and several pairs of Tobii Pro Glasses 2 and Tobii Pro Glasses 3.

Recommended reading before the course

  1. Dunn, M. J., Alexander, R. G., Amiebenomo, O. M., Arblaster, G., Atan, D., Erichsen, J. T., ... & Sprenger, A. (2023).
    Minimal reporting guideline for research involving eye tracking (2023 edition). Behavior research methods, 1-7.
  2. Holmqvist, K., Nyström, M., Andersson, R., Dewhurst, R., Jarodzka, H., & Van de Weijer, J. (2011). Eye tracking: A comprehensive guide to methods and measures OUP Oxford.

Who is this course for?

The course is open to everyone who wants to learn more about eye tracking theory, methodology, and how to practically work with eye trackers. While no background knowledge is required, the course contains enough possibilities to explore deep technical and methodological questions to benefit also the advanced user. It is recommended to come to the course with a specific research project in mind to maximize benefit from the course and offers you an opportunity to receive feedback from experienced eye-tracking researchers.

How to enroll

Learn more about the event and how to enroll:

A practical introduction to eye tracking

Do you have questions or want to know more about the course?

Please email:

Marcus Nyström: 

Diederick Niehorster: 

Event details

  • November 27, 2024

  • Humanities Lab, Helgonabacken 12, Lund University, Sweden


  • English

  • November 27-29 , 2024

    Event period

  • Meet outside of the library at 09:00

The instructors

  • Tobii Course

    Diederick Niehorster, Ph.D

    Researcher, Lund University Humanities Lab

    Dr. Diederick Niehorster is a researcher who has been working with eye tracking since 2005. He has experience with eye tracking research in a wide array of scientific fields as well as applications in industry, and has experience helping eye tracking users from all walks of life with their eye tracking studies. Diederick is an avid programmer who has developed several tools for beginner and advanced eye tracking researchers.

  • Tobii course

    Marcus Nyström

    Research engineer, Lund University Humanities Lab

    Marcus Nyström is a researcher and dedicated teacher who has been working with eye tracking and eye movement research since 2003. His research spans over several fields and is almost always highly interdisciplinary. Marcus has contributed heavily to advancements in eye tracking methodology and has co-authored the highly cited book “Eye tracking: A comprehensive guide to methods and measures”.