
Tobii Eye tracking debuts in eSports

  • by Tobii Gaming
  • 4 min

Esports - Video games

We’ve been working on making this a reality for quite some time, and together with Alienware and ELEAGUE we made our debut in eSports.

Eye Tracking in eSports will make it possible for the audience to see where the players have been looking while playing which results in the viewers getting a better insight into the match. Personally, I’m looking forward to turning my most commonly used match comment “How, where, what?” into “Ohhh!”.

For ELEAGUE, one player from each team will be using our application
Streaming Gaze Overlay which creates a gaze circle that shows the viewers where the player is looking. The gaze circle will not be displayed for the player and it will only be displayed to the viewers during the replay of highlights so it doesn’t ruin the raw beauty of live footage.

CSGO 2017 ELeague Eye tracking

We hope to give all the viewers of ELEAGUE a better understanding of the players.

Shox Eye Tracking | Dell Getting Technical — Group A | CS:GO Premier 2017

To learn more about using Streaming Gaze Overlay in CS:GO, check out the video below.

Shox Eye Tracking #2 | Dell Getting Technical — Group A | CS:GO Premier 2017

To find out more about the use of eye tracking in eSports, get some more insight on
how it all went down at ELEAGUE with Alienware. 

Alienware Academy

A few days ago we did a soft launch of our latest project Alienware Academy which we’ve been working on together with Alienware during the summer through sun and rain.

A while back we launched an application called Game Analyzer but we felt that the timing wasn’t right so it was discontinued. Now we’re picking up the pieces and creating something better that fits the needs of players today together with

Alienware Academy will be a Game Analyzer platform which can analyze your performance when you play which could potentially make you a better player. The platform will support some of the biggest competitive game titles out there, but we’re not naming them as of yet so keep an eye out for further announcements.

Talking about keeping an eye out, Alienware Academy will, of course, be eye tracking enabled and it will provide more in depth data about your gaming skills. How many times did you look at the map? Where was your focus?

These are just some of the things that can be analyzed with eye tracking enabled in Alienware Academy.

Find out more about our gaming products.

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  • Tobii Event no speaker image

    Tobii Gaming

    Hi, we are a bunch of developers, QA Engineers, customer support, product managers, and more (mostly gamers) aiming to combine the wonder, competitiveness, and creativity of gaming with the technology of eye tracking. Over the past decade, we have built eye trackers to revolutionize the way we play, creating a vital tool for competitive gaming, and empowering a new generation of content creators, as well as their followers. We love to game, we love eye tracking.

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